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Dominate the Diamond with Duke and Steve

Dominate the Diamond with Duke and Steve

Important (but easy) arm care routine for youth pitchers

There is no age that is too young to teach a proper arm care routine for youth baseball and softball players! Even if you don't use bands, light...

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How to Teach Your PITCHER to Keep Composure on the Mound

It's important that we as coaches take time during practice, bullpen sessions or even batting practice to explain the importance or remaining...

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How to manage your assistant coaches effectively

One quality that every great coaching staff is their ability to divide and conquer at practice and in games. Too often, youth coaches all yell and...

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Learn how to teach situational plays and baseball IQ

Baseball & Softball IQ are things that come from experience and playing time. Here at Dominate the Diamond, we created Baseball IQ cards to...

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Learn how to approach umpires The RIGHT WAY (Youth baseball)

Approaching umpires during games is something that never gets discussed for youth baseball and softball coaches. Below are a few things you have to...

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The best way to Increase your pitcher's strike percentage

A great question that we often get during our live show is "how can we increase a pitchers command and ability to throw strikes during games?"...

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How to create game like situations in throwing practice | Improve effectiveness (and fun)

During your teams throwing progression, it's always important to replicate movements that are going to happen during the games. Long tossing is a...

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How to know what age catcher's should call pitches

At what age should youth coaches start to let players call pitches and how to we call pitches as a coaching staff? We love to give our players the...

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How to Get Kids to Hustle on the Field (Youth Baseball)

In baseball and softball, there are a few things that need to be addressed on the first week of practice! Youth baseball and softball coaches need...

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How To Practice Pitch Delivery Speed To Hitters And Base Runners Can't Time Him

Controlling the running game in youth baseball and softball are crucial to a teams success on defense. As youth coaches, we must work on pick off...

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What's the best way to prepare to transition to the big field in youth baseball

Any time your team transitions to a bigger field or gets older - means more struggles and more things to cover at practice.

 Youth baseball...

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How to Teach Bunt Defenses in Baseball


Bunt defense is something that all youth coaches need to prepare their teams for in practice! There are several ways to be ready to defend...

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How to Teach Baseball Fly Balls Indoors

We have 3 great drills that the players love and really help them to judge fly balls and learn to catch them while having a great time.

1. ...

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